Student Loan Debt Help

There are many challenges facing recent college and university graduates. On top of the competitive job market, lower paying jobs, and the increased expenses of starting a family and a new chapter in ones life, comes one big obstacle – student loan debt.  For...

The cost of Doing Nothing about your Debt

Doing noting about your debt is burning up your retirement savings $ – literally Here is a very SCARY FACT:  If you are only making the minimum payments on your credit cards and lines of credit right now, it could take you more than a lifetime to get out of...

New Legislation in BC to improve Debt Industry

We are very excited about a recently announced NEW legislation for British Columbia that will help push BAD Debt Settlement Companies out of the market. Finally the BC Province is waking up to the fact that there are both good and bad players in the Debt Restructuring...

Revenue Canada (CRA) Collection Scam Calls

Revenue Canada Collector Scam This may be hard to believe, but phone scammers have actually started to pretend to be CRA (Canada Revenue Agency – aka Revenue Canada) agents in order to try to coerce people into paying them money. Don’t fall for this recent...