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Meet the Team

Meet our highly qualified Debt Relief Team of Debt Restructuring Professionals and debt counsellors who all love helping people break free from their debt. We appreciate that it is likely not your fault that you are in debt; the fact is that bad things can happen to anyone. There is a common misconception that people in debt got there from over shopping. We find this is not true in most cases. Most of our clients are great people who suffered an unfortunate life event that caused the debt to build up over time. The most common causes of high debt are emergencies, divorce, illness, car accidents, loss of job, or industry change etc. All of us here have been through our own financial challenges and reversals at one time so we all know what it is like to suffer financially. We feel your pain and we empathize with your situation and know how hard it can be. However. We help you put the past in the past and encourage you to move on from your debt problem. When you work with us you get a fresh start and work to completely rehabilitate your finances so that you have great credit. no debt, and lots ofsavings for emergencies. Let us help you today.

Tasha Weir

Financial Wellness Advocate

Tasha's Best Traits:

Tasha is The God Mother of our office. She has the most experience in the industry and her wisdom and insight have saved many clients from tight situations. She is fierce, intentional, and the most persistent person we have ever known.

Flavia Austin

Office Administrator

Flavia's Best Traits:

Flavia brings a big dose of fun friendly positive Brazilian JiuJitsu energy to our team. She loves helping people navigate our life changing program in a way that has people relax and know they are cared for.

Sarah Sihota

Financial Wellness Advocate

Sarah's Best Traits:

Sarah has a kind and wild heart that somehow mixed together. She has deep empathy and seeming endless energy for connecting with her beloved clients to help them navigate freedom from their debt.

Benjy Houser

Financial Wellness Advocate / Debt Relief Specialist

Benjy's Best Traits:

Benjy is a caring dad with relentless energy, complex problem-solving skills, and a high level of empathy. Benjy is the epitome of helpful in every aspect of his business consulting and financial wellness coaching practice.

Camille Smith

Financial Wellness Advocate

Camille's Best Traits:

Camille is the definition of efficiency. She is infallible (or as close to it as a human can be anyway). With a drive unmatched by others in the industry, this kind, compassionate and highly independent woman Gets It Done (whatever it is). Camille will go above and beyond, for all her clients, and for the rest of the team too.

Enjoy life after debt

We can help you reduce your debt by up to 80% and get your life back.