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Camille Smith
Financial Wellness Advocate
Camille’s Best Traits:
Camille is the definition of efficiency. She is infallible (or as close to it as a human can be anyway). With a drive unmatched by others in the industry, this kind, compassionate and highly independent woman Gets It Done (whatever it is). Camille will go above and beyond, for all her clients, and for the rest of the team too.
Camille has been working in the Debt Restructuring/Insolvency industry since 2009. She began her insolvency career working for a Licenced Insolvency Trustee (LIT) firm, where she completed the Insolvency Administrator Course, providing her with strong knowledge of the insolvency debt restructuring process and requirements and she gained much experience administering Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcies.
Camille enjoyed her time working with a LIT firm, but she found that the work limited her ability to work unbiased in the interest of the person in debt.
In early 2019 Camille decided to move to 4Pillars to work as a Financial Wellness Advocate to be unbiased and able to help the consumer more directly through their journey to financial stability. She loves how 4 Pillars can provide the in-depth post-insolvency financial rehabilitation (credit repair and budgeting and more) the LIT’s do not provide.
Camille was born and raised on Vancouver Island and loves spending time with her family and getting out and exploring this beautiful island we are lucky to call home. She enjoys playing a variety of sports as well as coaching and passing along her skills and knowledge to up-and-coming athletes of all ages.
1. Why do you do this work? Who do you feel like you work for? People find themselves in overwhelming financial situations for a variety of different reasons. They are losing sleep, stressed out, and don’t know where to turn. I like to provide people with a solution to deal with the debts, and the education they need to move forward and start fresh.
2. What motivates you here? What really lights a fire under you? I am motivated by seeing people’s financial situations drastically change. People will go from crying during the first meeting to telling me how amazing they are doing within a few short months.
3. What is a memorable story or two from your time here at 4 pillars?
I had a single mother come in, she had two children she was raising on her own, one with severe medical issues. She had recently left an abusive relationship, was receiving no support, and her income was just covering the minimum payments on her debts/basic living costs. Each month the big payments she was making towards her debt were just covering the interest, meaning she would be stuck in debt forever if she continued on like that, there was no end in sight. With her child’s medical issues she was having to miss work often, causing her to fall behind on her payments. The collection calls pushed her to her breaking point, she wasn’t sleeping and expressed how she could hardly eat from the stress. We were able to help her come up with a plan that would drastically reduce her debt. Her new lowered debt payment was so small that she was finally able to focus on budgeting, and then started a savings account with her extra cash flow. She ended up paying her reduced debt plan off early. She saved enough money to pay for some courses at college, went to school part-time and is now generating double the income she had when we first met. Now, she is saving the downpayment to buy her first house. This program put her in a position that changed her life.
Enjoy life after debt
We can help you reduce your debt by up to 80% and get your life back.